When You've Been Injured In A Truck Accident: Liability And The Importance Of A Truck Accident Lawyer

21 March 2023
 Categories: Law, Blog

If you have been injured in an accident with an 18-wheeler or semi-truck while driving a car, it is likely that your injuries are extensive. If the driver of the truck was negligent, it is important to prove this negligence as part of your personal injury claim. Because the driver was on the job, a truck accident injury attorney will have the experience you need to identify who is liable for your injuries. You may be able to file a claim against the driver personally, the manufacturer of the truck, or the company the driver was driving for. When you are no longer able to work because your injuries and bills are piling up, it's time to talk with a truck accident attorney. 

Determining Negligence When a Commercial Truck Is Involved

It's possible that the driver was negligent because they weren't following the rules of the road and caused the accident. Further culpability is possible if the driver was forced to work overtime or drive extra hours beyond the established limits. If the commercial truck wasn't properly inspected or hadn't been maintained, the company can share responsibility for the accident. There are a number of factors that will come into play to identify who is liable, and a truck accident lawyer understands the complexities.

Personal Negligence and Potential Compensation

One of the reasons that people who are seriously injured in a commercial truck accident seek the services of a truck accident lawyer is that the process is complicated. If the driver is found negligent, they may not have the assets or insurance coverage to cover a personal injury claim. You will want a truck accident attorney to identify all possible liable sources because the personally negligent driver may not be able to pay your claim. Compensation goes up when you are able to identify that a commercial source is at fault for the accident.

Your Injuries and Establishing Liability

The details of the accident will be carefully scrutinized to establish what happened and who is liable. Your injuries play a big role in your compensation, and it's important that you document your injuries throughout your healing journey. Pay attention to new symptoms, and always work with your treatment team to heal your body. Once liability is established, it is often easier to negotiate a settlement. 

Work with a truck accident lawyer to get what you deserve when you have been injured in an accent with a commercial truck.

Contact a local law firm, such as Higinbotham & Higinbotham LLC, to learn more.
